Our wide range of features help you find prospects, nurture them and win more deals by safely automating your LinkedIn outreach efforts

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All Features

Audience Creation

Create lists of the targeted audiences using filters like company, location, industry, etc

Add Connections

Send connection requests to targeted audiences using filters like company, location, industry, etc

Message Targeted Users

Send personalized messages to targeted audiences using filters like current company, location, keywords, etc

Get Connections Info

Get the information of your connections within a few minutes

Endorse Connections

Endorse your connections and recommend the skills of your network members

Wish Happy Birthday

Wish your connections on their birthday with personalized messages

Congrats on Anniversary

Congratulate your connections on their work anniversary with personalized messages

Congrats on New Job

Congratulate your connections on their new job with personalized messages

Like or Connect

Like, comment, or connect with the admin of the post instantaneously


Analyze the overall statistics of your LinkedIn account.


Join our affiliate program and analyze the affiliate statistics using this feature.

Message All Connections

Send personalized messages to the targeted connections, all at once.

Message Follow Up

Schedule follow up messages in advance to target a specific audience at regular intervals

Auto Respond Messages

Set up automatic replies or follow-ups to the messages you receive based on the chosen group of keywords

View Connections

View the profiles of multiple LinkedIn accounts within a few minutes

Follow Connections

Follow multiple LinkedIn accounts instantaneously

Remove Connections

Remove multiple LinkedIn connections instantaneously

Withdraw Sent Invites

Withdraw the sent connection requests to avoid stacking up of unaccepted invites

Accept Received Invites

Accept multiple LinkedIn connection requests instantaneously

Stop Bot Activity

Stop the tool activity